EmpireViewModel class Null safety

A ViewModel is an abstraction of the view it is bound to and represents the current state of the data in your model.

This is where any logic that manipulates your model should be. An EmpireWidget and it's accompanying state always has access to it's view model via the viewModel property.

Update events are automatically emitted whenever the value of an EmpireProperty is changed. The EmpireState the ViewModel is bound to will update itself each time an EmpireProperty value is changed and call the states build function, updating the UI.




activeTasks List
busy bool
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
read-only, inherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
read-only, inherited


addOnErrorEventListener(dynamic onError(ErrorEvent event)) StreamSubscription
Adds an event handler which gets executed each time notifyError is called.
addOnStateChangedListener(dynamic onStateChanged(List<EmpireStateChanged> events)) StreamSubscription
Adds an event handler which gets executed each time an EmpireProperty value is changed.
cancelSubscription(StreamSubscription? subscription) Future<void>
Cancels the subscription. The subscriber will stop receiving events
createBoolProperty(bool value, {String? propertyName}) EmpireBoolProperty
Short hand helper function for initializing an EmpireBoolProperty.
createDateTimeProperty(DateTime value, {String? propertyname}) EmpireDateTimeProperty
Short hand helper function for initializing an EmpireDateTimeProperty.
createDoubleProperty(double value, {String? propertyName}) EmpireDoubleProperty
Short hand helper function for initializing an EmpireDoubleProperty.
createEmptyListProperty<T>({String? propertyName}) EmpireListProperty<T>
Short hand helper function for initializing an empty EmpireListProperty.
createEmptyMapProperty<K, V>({String? propertyName}) EmpireMapProperty<K, V>
Short hand helper function for initializing an empty EmpireMapProperty.
createIntProperty(int value, {String? propertyName}) EmpireIntProperty
Short hand helper function for initializing an EmpireIntProperty.
createListProperty<T>(List<T> values, {String? propertyName}) EmpireListProperty<T>
Short hand helper function for initializing an EmpireListProperty.
createMapProperty<K, V>(Map<K, V> values, {String? propertyName}) EmpireMapProperty<K, V>
Short hand helper function for initializing an EmpireMapProperty.
createNullableBoolProperty({bool? value, String? propertyName}) EmpireNullableBoolProperty
Short hand helper function for initializing an EmpireNullableBoolProperty.
createNullableDateTimeProperty({DateTime? value, String? propertyName}) EmpireNullableDateTimeProperty
Short hand helper function for initializing an EmpireNullableDateTimeProperty.
createNullableDoubleProperty({double? value, String? propertyName}) EmpireNullableDoubleProperty
Short hand helper function for initializing an EmpireNullableDoubleProperty.
createNullableIntProperty({int? value, String? propertyName}) EmpireNullableIntProperty
Short hand helper function for initializing an EmpireNullableIntProperty.
createNullableStringProperty({String? value, String? propertyName}) EmpireNullableStringProperty
Short hand helper function for initializing an EmpireNullableStringProperty.
createNullProperty<T>({String? propertyName}) EmpireProperty<T?>
Short hand helper function for initializing an EmpireProperty with a null value.
createProperty<T>(T value, {String? propertyName}) EmpireProperty<T>
Short hand helper function for initializing an EmpireProperty.
createStringProperty(String value, {String? propertyName}) EmpireStringProperty
Short hand helper function for initializing an EmpireStringProperty.
dispose() → void
Closes the state and error streams and removes any listeners associated with those streams
doAsync<T>(Future<T> work(), {dynamic busyTaskKey}) Future<T>
Executes a long running task asynchronously.
initProperties() → void
Initializes all EmpireProperty properties in the ViewModel.
isTaskInProgress(dynamic busyTaskKey) bool
Checks if the view model is busy working on a specific task.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.
notifyChanges(List<EmpireStateChanged> events) → void
Inform the bound EmpireState that the state of the UI needs to be updated.
notifyError(ErrorEvent event) → void
Inform the bound EmpireState that an error has occurred.
setBusy({dynamic busyTaskKey}) → void
Sets the busy status to true
setBusyStatus({required bool isBusy, dynamic busyTaskKey}) → void
Explicitly updates the current busy status of the view model.
setMultiple(List<Map<EmpireProperty, dynamic>> setters) → void
Set multiple EmpireProperty values, but only trigger a single state change
setNotBusy({dynamic busyTaskKey}) → void
Sets the busy status to false
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.