setMultiple method Null safety

void setMultiple(
  1. List<Map<EmpireProperty, dynamic>> setters

Set multiple EmpireProperty values, but only trigger a single state change

The setters is a list of maps, where the keys are the properties you want to set, and the values are the new values for each property. Each map in the list must contain exactly one key/value pair.


late final EmpireProperty<String> name;
late final EmpireProperty<int> age;

  {name: 'Doug'},
  {age: 45},


void setMultiple(List<Map<EmpireProperty, dynamic>> setters) {
  final List<EmpireStateChanged> changes = [];
  for (var setter in setters) {
    assert(setter.keys.length == 1,
        'Each setter item must contain exactly one key/value pair.');
    final property = setter.keys.first;

    final previousValue = property.value;
    final nextValue = setter.values.first;

    changes.add(EmpireStateChanged(nextValue, previousValue,
        propertyName: property.propertyName));

    property(nextValue, notifyChange: false);