reset method Null safety

void reset(
  1. {bool notifyChange = true}

Resets the value to what it was initialized with.

If T is a class with properties, changing the properties directly on the object instead of updating this EmpireProperty with a new instance of T with the updated values will prevent reset from performing as expected. Tracking the original value is done by reference internally.


late final EmpireProperty<int> age = createProperty(10); //age.value is 10

age(20); //age.value is 20
age(25); //age.value is 25

age.reset(); //age.value is back to 10. Triggers UI rebuild or...

age.reset(notifyChange: false); //age.value is back to 10 but UI does not rebuild


void reset({bool notifyChange = true}) {
  final currentValue = _value;
  _value = _originalValue;

  if (notifyChange) {
        propertyName: propertyName,